Medievia Wiki

This is the general discussion page for the wiki! New founders should leave a nice welcome message and encourage new visitors and editors to leave a note to get the conversation started.

Looking for contact information for anyone who contributes to this wiki! Emails, med names, anything. If you have used this site, or would like to help build a more comprehensive version of this site contact me! If you are the old admin of this site, i would like to talk to you! 20:54, December 2, 2014 (UTC)

Mike Brinker

Medievia Character : Toth

Permanent open chat server[]

Im going to run this as long as someone is using it. its open for anyone, but channels with passwords can be created for clans or events. It is already online but I will be making a few updates for the first time in nearly 20 years and fixing old bugs bug thats is about it.

anyway for now its just ill probably eventually get a url instead.
